About Team-Capture

Here is some basic information on our project.

Casual Fun

We are nothing serious, high action movement, over the top guns and built by boxing kangaroos with no fucks.


Playing on Windows, or on giga chad Linux? Whatever you use, it fully works natively on both without any bullshit.

Open Source

Entire project's source code is open source, under the AGPL license. View the guts of the project and do what you want to it.

Independent Team

The entire project is built by an independent team who work on the project in their free time. We don't have to uphold bullshit from higher ups.


We are still an early alpha, but we have a lot of the basics down. Nothing in the game is any near finalized, but we are always working on it.

Build On The Shoulders Of Giants

Built with the Unity game engine, and open source libraries such as Mirror.