Download Team-Capture

Here are the current ways of downloading Team-Capture.

System Requirements

We haven't done any proper tests on the hardware that you will need to run this project, but while this project is an early alpha, we still have done a lot of optimization, and can run quite well on lower end hardware.

You will need a PC that has x64-bit version of either Windows 10 or a Debian based Linux distribution (We only officially support Debian based distros as all testing is done on Ubuntu 21.10. Other distros might work). We currently do not support MacOS, mobile or consoles.

Currently, there is two ways of obtaining a pre-compiled version of Team-Capture.

DevOps Builds

You can download the latest successful DevOps builds of the project from here.

This build is the absolute LATEST bleeding-edge pre-compiled build of the project you can get. Theses builds are automatically done.

GitHub Releases

You can also download a build off from the GitHub releases.

These builds will be significantly behind on features then the DevOps build, but are manually compiled.


You can also build the project your self, if you have the know-how and the tools.

Checkout the project's GitHub page for instructions on how to.